
Saturday, January 5, 2013


Rested yesterday and today. Now I really didn't rest rest today, I went outside and practiced pistols and did some front filps and what not.

I have been having something on my mind for quite a while now and it seems like this would be a good time for me to write about it. I know everyone has done this, I am guilty of it. Comparing ourselves to others.. The ONE thing that makes me upset, and I am not one to get mad. Is when someone says "I wish I could do that".... STOP WISHING, I didn't freaking snatch over 200lbs or Back squat almost 400lbs by WISHING. You know what I did, a little secret called HARD WORK. I worked hard for every one of my accomplishments. I didn't stand there staring and WISHING I would. You don't have to wish, that won't do jack. Going into your gym, box, garage, backyard, wherever the heck you train and putting in the time and effort will eventually get you to where you want to be. "I wish I wasn't lazy, I would try that CrossFit stuff". "Yeah I am to old", "I have to much work", "I would die". There are 60+ year olds getting better in ours and other people's gyms, you obviously don't have to much work to watch football on Suday's or go out to the bars at night, nobody has died yet and to be honest I don't think you would be the first.. Wishes and excuses bleh...

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In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and who does not live according to the teaching you received from us. (2 Thessalonians 3:6)

1 comment:

  1. Comaring myself to other athletes has proven to be my weakness. Whether it be seeing another athlete putting up impressive numbers or logging outstanding times, or having to keep up with a younger athlete on the playing field (soccer), I find myself comparing my performance with theirs. This does nothing but affect my attitude and my mood.
