
Monday, December 31, 2012


Coffee is good.
Really good.

Back to blogging, with thoughts on my mind. I might just write about it and I just might not. Most likely not, I have to much to write anyways.

On Saturday here is how the day went.

Started with some snatching (Of course)

1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Hang Power snatch from below knee

Worked up to 165# and did about 5 sets at that weight.

After the five sets, I decided to go for 2 powers from the hang and got it. Then my friend did 3, then I did 4, then he did 4 and missed number 5. So of course I went for 5 and got 5 from the hang power. This is the most I have ever done from hang especially power.

After the snatching I front squatted.

2 Front squats + 2 Push jerks + 1 jerk

Worked up to 185#, my hip is almost back to 100% But still taking it easy on the front squats until I know for sure I can work back up to my regular heavy weight. IE (285-300) Oh how bad I want to get back to that, but in time. Patience IS a virtue is what my Dad tells me and this is really testing me.

Did some good ol' benching after

8 x 2

I am happy with that, benching is not my strongest point. Doing 240 for those 2 sets made me feel pretty good.

Went to go eat with some good friends, *cough cough* La Costa burrito

Came back and did some sled runs

4 Sets of about 80 meters 

40 Meters forward and 40 Meters backwards - 115#
Rested about 1 minute between

Sleds were originally a torture device made to punish people back in the 1700's and they made them run with it until there legs bursted.... I just made that up, but that's how I feel every time I am on a sled, running backwards is horrid..

Went inside and looked at the 2 pood KB and thought "Maybe I should try snatching it" I did and I put it in my conditioning.

5 Rounds each for time.

4 Deficit STRICT HSPU - 45,35,25 plate with an abmat in the middle
8 KB Snatches - 70# (4 each arm)
4 Deficit Kipping HSPU

Rest 1 Minute between



This was fun, that 70 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Also I am becoming much more proficient in my kipping on the HSPU. 

On Sunday I was suppose to rest (Suppose lol)

I did some GH raises, 3 x 10 

Went over to my friends house and seen he had an AIRDYNE! I have never been on one so I wanted to try it, did 2 sets of 20 Calories and thought my quads and heart was going to explode. The one he has is a little bit tougher then a normal one because, when you stop it stops... It's like peddling a bike through tough sand. Almost yacked the 5 slices of Mountain Mikes pizza I had before..

Oh another pretty sweet thing, Spencer Arnold (69kg American Open Champion) Did a review and feedback on my 102kg(225#) snatch attempt. Never really noticed these things before, thanks Spencer!

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And lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matthew 6: 13

God bless - JM3

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